How to create a healthy sleep cycle ?

The majority of students suffer from bad sleep routines, many of them even struggle to get quality sleep and students complain about inability to fall asleep due to immense study pressure isn't a new thing either. So, here's how to have a healthy sleep cycle!

Aayushi Garg

A Study and Career Coach helping students study effectively and clear their exams.

    Here are few tips here which can help you create a healthy sleep cycle👇

    • 1. Try to get to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even during weekends to make this a habit. It will help your body establish a regular and balanced biological clock. 

    • 2. Create a relaxing Bedtime routine, include a warm bath, reading any book, and practicing deep breathing techniques along with meditation. 

    • 3. Avoid screens before bedtime because the blue light emitted from the devices keeps the brain active which disturbs the sleeping patterns. 

    • 4. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, cool, and dark. Also, invest in a comfortable mattress for the body to relax. 

    • 5. Avoid caffeine during the evenings because caffeine has an energizing effect towards the mind. Both caffeine and alcohol causes stomach discomfort which may cause the body to stay wake and not relax. 

    • 6. Exercising regularly improves the quality of sleep but, avoid exercising just before bedtime as it can lead to a sudden energy rush. 

    1. Still If there are severe issues regarding sleep, consult a doctor and avoid taking sleeping pills on your own without any consultation.

    In short, sticking to regular sleep timings, creating a healthy sleep environment and bedtime routine, and ensuring regular physical activity with limited caffeine and alcohol intake can immensely help in improving your sleep.

    Actually we all know this stuff but we still we don’t implement. And if you’ve read this blog till here, take it as a sign and commit to improve your sleep cycle from today itself.

- Aayushi

Originally published  July 21, 2022